From Guangzhou to Los Angeles; from a blank sheet of paper to a colorful canvas: this is who I am. My name is Tony Zhang, and today my work synthesizes Asian art with Western Street art. As a child growing up in China, I was surrounded by the rich and various cultural heritage: the local museums were full of beautiful jade sculptures, carved wooden reliefs, and beautifully sewn silk fabrics. When I moved to Los Angeles to attend art school, I took the elements of my Chinese heritage with me. As a result, my design style incorporates the playful geometry of Los Angeles graffiti with a Chinese eye to detail and craftsmanship. My work is centered around art that connects my inspirations from both the east and west. Above all, I am a designer who wishes to convey my cultural experiences to audiences across the globe through projects that share my Chinese heritage.
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jiefengtonyzhang
Email: tonyzhangisoffbalance@gmail.com
Instagram: off.balance_
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jiefengtonyzhang
Email: tonyzhangisoffbalance@gmail.com
Instagram: off.balance_